Gift Aid

Have you donated to the masjid within the last four years and are a UK tax payer? If so your donation can go even further by you gift aiding it.

Please fill out the form below and we will be able to claim an extra 28p on every £1 (that you donated) up to the 5th of April 2008; and 25p of every £1 (that you donated) on or after 6th April 2008.

This will boost the masjid substantially, giving it the chance to run better and more efficiently without having to ask for as much donations in the future.


Declaration Form


You may tick more than one box below, in order for Darul Hadith to claim gift aid for donations made in the past, today or in the future (regular standing orders or recurring donations). Please treat as Gift Aid all qualifying gifts of money made:

Choose several options

I can confirm that I am a British Tax Payer and I have paid or will pay income tax or capital gains tax for each year to cover the amount that will be reclaimed by the charity. I understand that tax such as council tax or VAT do not apply.

Choose one option(required)

Please enter the amount you donated today, so we can claim gift aid on this amount.

If you have a regular standing order, or recurring donation, then please enter the monthly amount. Otherwise enter 0, and we will have the confirmation in case you make donations in the future.

Please enter the amount donated between April 2010 & April 2011. If no donations, then please enter 0.

Electronic Declaration for Masjid Al Furqan Stoke on Trent

By ticking the following box you have electronically signed this form and agree that the above is all correct to the best of your knowledge.

Choose one option(required)